All the Things

I hope you’re having a lovely May. Here’s this month’s newsletter, in which I express the ways in which the first quarter of 2023 were wonderful or grueling for me.

As always, there’s a writing prompt plus updates on my other goings-on–this time as an actress, a higher-ed guest artist, and the subject of an immersive article in Japanese.

All the Things

It’s always an honor to be read by you. Wishing you a safe, peaceful spring/fall/rainy/dry/windy/temperate season, wherever you are.

For infrequent writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

Beginnings and Endings

I hope you’re having a good, safe holiday season and/or December. Here’s this month’s newsletter, in which I describe some unexpected, joyful opportunities that have come my way recently. I also announce a pause on the newsletter, which will be far less frequent in the coming year.

As always, there’s a writing prompt plus updates on my other goings-on.

Beginnings and Endings

It’s always an honor to be read by you. Have very Happy Holidays and a wonderful new year!

For infrequent writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

Expressing Ourselves

I hope you’re enjoying July despite any extreme weather. Here’s this month’s newsletter, in which I remind us that human beings need to express ourselves and be understood by somebody, and if we do it via unpredictable and insightful storytelling, we’re making art while creating connection.

As always, there’s a writing prompt plus updates on workshops and my other goings-on.

Expressing Ourselves

Have a great rest of July!

For every-other-month writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

10 Years of Gratitude

I hope you’re having a lovely May. Here’s this month’s newsletter, in which I commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the premiere of Alien Citizen and remind creators that our fear of failure can prove unnecessary. Even when it looks like we have failed, our shows can prove us wrong in unexpected ways.

As always, there’s a writing prompt plus updates on workshops and my other goings-on.

10 Years of Gratitude

Have a great rest of May!

For every-other-month writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

Asking for Help

I hope your 2023 has been good so far. Here’s my March newsletter, in which I share how vulnerable it can be to ask for help, and then I ask for a little bit of help. As always, there’s a writing prompt plus updates on workshops and my other goings-on.

Asking for Help

Have a great rest of March and a lovely Spring or Fall depending on your hemisphere!

For every-other-month writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

Letting Go & Creating Space

Happy 2023! I hope yours has begun well. Here’s my January newsletter, in which I share how I’m letting go of something connected to my first solo show. As usual, there’s a writing prompt plus updates on workshops.

Letting Go & Creating Space

Have a great rest of January and a Happy New Year, both Western and Lunar!

For every-other-month writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

Creatively Expressing 2022

Happy Holidays! Here’s my December newsletter, in which I encourage you to write or express the hard experiences as well as the joyful ones in your creative work about the past year. As usual, it has a writing prompt plus updates on workshops in 2023.

Creatively Expressing 2022

Have a great rest of 2022 and a Happy New Year!

For every-other-month writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. It covers what this blog used to cover, and more.

Sharing It & Adulting | Communication

Why hello! Here are my October and November newsletters, which go into different issues we might face when crafting our stories or working creatively in general. They also have writing prompts and updates on my goings-on.

Sharing It & Adulting


Have a great rest of November!

For every-other-month writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Thank you for reading my fortieth post! I love your comments! Please feel free to leave one below.


Why, hello there. It’s been an age.

Two years! Good gawd.

For some time now, I’ve been meaning to post about retiring my first show. Something about saying goodbye and letting go and so on…three+ years (!) after the fact.

As it turns out, I’m dusting the show off one last time to perform excerpts as part of a wonderful series in L.A.

Speaking of which, I need to start rehearsing it immediately. 👀

But the main reason I’m posting after such a long hiatus is to let you know that my writings on creativity, along with writing prompts, can now be found in my monthly newsletter (instead of this blog).

I don’t know when I’ll write about creating and touring a solo show again, because I think I’ve posted on the major aspects of the whole shebang.

But never say never! If and when I do write about it, it will be in the newsletter.

If you’re not already subscribing to the newsletter, you can do so here.

Below are this year’s newsletter issues, with the most recent on top:

Finishing it / Starting Something New

Trusting the Creative Process (Part 2)

Trusting the Creative Process


Putting It Off & Greatest Need

For the Sheer Delight of It

When It Turned Out Well

Being Helped

New Year & Writing Prompts on Video

I’ll post links to future issues here when they’re published, but if you’d like to read them without having to click on a link inside a blog, just subscribe.

Thank you so much for reading this blog over the years! It meant everything to read your comments here and on Facebook in the various solo show and storytelling groups. It transformed my day to receive your kind responses.

I was terrified the first few (many?) times I posted on this blog. Talk about vulnerable.

You were so encouraging and appreciative that it made all the difference.

Thank you again. I am so grateful.

Please let me know in the Comments if you’re working on anything so I can cheer you on!

May your creative pursuits bring you creative fulfillment. Have a good, safe rest of 2022 and beyond.


For monthly writings on creativity, writing prompts, and updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter.

Thank you for reading my thirty-ninth post! I love your comments! Please feel free to leave one below.

Follow Up Sooner

I hope you and yours are well. I’m so glad you’re here.

I learned something recently that I want to pass on to you. You might already do this when you reach out to book your show as a Zoom performance, but just in case you don’t—

Wait a second. Let me take a moment to talk about online performances.

They’re happening! They’re the bridge between theatre and no theatre during this pandemic. I realize you probably knew this but my mind remains a little blown by it.

My brilliant friend Jennifer Blaine performed her show Having a Good Time via Zoom back when the pandemic first shut things down in the USA. I was so happy to have the opportunity to watch her perform “live” even though I’m in L.A. and she’s in Philadelphia. Kristina Wong, my kickass sister queen from the inaugural Solo Queens Festival, has been booking her show Kristina Wong for Public Office all over the place as an online performance. I also recommend Diana Wyenn’s Blood/Sugar, which has the most sophisticated online tech production values one could imagine, on top of being a powerful show.

If your show is performable in your home, and we know it is because that’s where you’ve rehearsed it between gigs, then you can book it as an online event.

It’s not easy, but neither is booking an in-person event, so here we are.

If you’ve been trying to book your show as an online performance, or are thinking about trying, here’s something I wish I had told you years ago:

Follow up within a week or two.

I know I’ve told you to follow up in the past, but I should have been more specific. When I reach out to someone individually for the first time, I’ll follow up within a week or two. But when I e-blast everyone on my list, I just hit them up once per month. I’ve done this for years.

Apparently, that was a mistake.

Last month I experimented: I scheduled two successive e-blasts one week apart. The first message was a variation on my usual pitch (I never send the exact same message month to month). The second message contained the first message, plus a short paragraph above it saying “Hello, I’m just checking to make sure you saw my message from last week etc. etc.”

Imagine my pleasant surprise and chagrin when several people responded, asking for my rates. I was chagrined because it hadn’t dawned on me to treat e-blasts the way I treat individual messages, with swift follow-ups.

I had thought monthly e-blasts WERE follow-ups, but in fact, they’re more like standalone messages that are similar. An actual follow-up happens sooner and includes the original message.


This did not ultimately lead to bookings, but I got closer than usual just by sending a second, very-easy-to-create message that went out a week later. I’m going to do this every month from now on.

Let me add: monthly e-blasts are still a good idea.

I no longer perform my first show, but I’ve been promoting the film of it on DVD to university and international school libraries. DVD sales dried up when the pandemic hit.

Then out of the blue, a few weeks ago, an international school bought the DVD! (I took that as a sign of hope for the US presidential election, and am glad I was right.) I’ve e-blasted that school every month during the school year for ages, and they finally bit! So once per month can work eventually…even during a plague.

I’ve also been plugging the film to instructors as something that can be screen-shared followed by an online talk-back with me. I offer to lead my solo show & memoir workshop as another option. These are alternatives to my former in-person bookings.

So far I haven’t been able to replace my canceled in-person bookings with online bookings at the same venues, but an online booking happened anyway…thanks to following up!

Last year I proposed a screening and talk-back to conferences around the world. Months later, by sheer coincidence, I learned that Alien Citizen was scheduled to be the closing event at one of those conferences…but no one had contacted me about it!

I emailed the organizers and swiftly received a deeply apologetic phone call. The lack of communication was obviously an innocent error due to the organizers’ being overextended. (Coordinating a conference is hard work.) The film wasn’t screened that year…but it was screen-shared at this year’s conference, which took place online!

Why? I followed up.

For a time, anyway. I kept in touch every month or two…and then, truth be told, I gave up after June. I was disheartened by all the cancellations I had experienced and could no longer believe any conference would want to screen-share the film via Zoom.

Imagine my incredibly pleasant surprise when the organizer contacted me last month about making Alien Citizen the closing Special Presentation of the conference!

Of course I said yes, and it went incredibly well! Hundreds of people signed up for the screening, hundreds showed up, and the vaaaaast majority stayed to the end. Their comments were utterly validating and uplifting, and their questions were stimulating.

It was a balm to my spirit after the year we’ve all had, and as a freelancer who keeps chugging away when it often seems pointless, especially during a global pandemic.

The icing on the cake: as soon as the conference ended, several attendees purchased the DVD of my film! It felt miraculous.

The most affirming part: it was a paid gig. Even now, during the financially roughest year many of us have ever seen, paid gigs can happen.

So remember when you pitch your show: follow up soon, follow up regularly, and even if you give up on a venue or event, your earlier efforts might result in a lovely reward.

Let me know if this helps. You deserve an audience, even now–especially now. I would love to be in that audience when you perform online.

Have a safe, happy Thanksgiving or Turkey Day tomorrow if you celebrate either one!

Announcement: the Holiday Sale for the Alien Citizen DVD begins on Black Friday this week. It’s 20% off! If you’re curious about the show I’ve been blogging about, here’s your chance to buy it at a discount.

For monthly updates on the goings-on of my solo shows, film, workshops, acting gigs, and more, subscribe to my newsletter. (It’s different from this blog, which is exclusively about creating and touring a solo show.)

Thank you for reading my thirty-eighth post! I love your comments! Please feel free to leave one below.